Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is a poem? maybe more just me rambling sentences without answers. As I began reading Brennan Manning's Ruthless Trust ideas grabbed a hold and I began thinking...

To really understand something you must trust.
How can I say I believe if I do not truly trust?
What man can take away anothers trust?
What gods do not require trust?
What relationship does not require trust?
To whom is worthy of my trust?
Where is shalom without trust?
What man can be whole without trust?
What man is crazy enough to trust?
What man lives for others and not himself?
Can man truly know the desire of God?
Who am I to not trust God?
Surely he will care for me.
Why should I worry of tomorrow?
Am I willing to trust?
Am I willing to not look only to my own desires?
Who am I to think my ideas are best?
Why is it so hard to trust?
A great joy in life comes as we learn to trust.
Not only a joy for ourselves but for everyone around. But, most importantly for the Father.
What do I have to lose in trust?
Am I only saving my self from the pain? Go trust.

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