Thursday, July 15, 2010

Souped-up Golf Carts

I think for the most part I do not enjoy sarcasm. I try to not dish it out but, often I do. One thing I think is very funny is when people are being sarcastic, then, someone says, "Is that sarcasm?" Then they sarcastically answer, "Nope." To me that is really funny. I don't know why but I just thought about that....

I'm at work today and some high school guys come inside. One guy starts talking about how he wishes his cart was faster... I say "do you know how to adjust it? Put a tee in it?" he has no clue that this is even possible... I first show him the bolt to adjust to get the speed he wants... But then I show him the golf cart racing associations soupin up must. Which is a tee between the cable in the engine compartment against the generator, you may have to cut the tee to obtain the highest speed possible. I begin telling them about how when I was younger we would race them down the road... Then the moment of truth comes. Time for a test drive. He is thrilled. He cannot believe that his cart will go that fast.... I guess that is the way I was too when I found out... But, it was cool to see them get that excited.

I went to ChickFilA in Padcah Kentucky with my sister Wednesday. There was about 200 people there waiting in line at 6AM. They gave us all raffle tickets and started drawing. Megan was number 42 and I was, well I never got drawn. So, we split the 52. It was fun, I got to spend time with her and I also got to talk to some pretty cool people and got to talk to some not so pretty cool but cool people. I met this fella named Damon, he was cool. We talked a whole lot and shared different stories. I'm not sure how much he was bs'in me though. I also read Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller. I started the book a month ago and couldn't ever get into it. But, when you're just sitting outside for 24 hours with nothing to do...I read. It was a really good book and I really enjoyed it once I started got into it. It is more or less of a journal of his for a month. During that month or 2 he leaves Texas for the open road with his buddy Paul. They live in a VW van and are basically hippies. He goes from living a life where so much matters, to a life where nothing materialistic really matters all that much. The first few chapters he talks about how he believes that it is good to go out and make yourself. That it is not finding yourself, you're actually making yourself. They travel from Texas to Oregan with stops in the Grand Canyon, Vegas, Sacremento... He talks alot and so much of the book is just his journaling but I believe it's funny too. The book talks a whole lot about what life is about I believe. And within that is truly just being happy. Yet, that is not as easy as it sounds. Because one would say many things make you happy... I just got a new phone and I'm happy about that. But, I am talking about true happiness that cannot be taken away. Yeah it can be frusturated, aggravated and such but not taken away. But, thats not all. I'm also talking about just loving people for who they are... Don talks about beautiful things and people who ask the question why opposed to how. He believes that the why question is way more important than how... Because sunsets happen... chemicals in his brain makes him think how beautiful it is... but why is it like that? Why is the sunset.... That was kind of a new perspective to me I often just take things as they are without asking questions.... But I like the idea of asking the why question....

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