Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July so far.

Well, hello to all. I'm just writing this to write. I do not have anything much to tell you. I just didn't want to stop writing. I wanted to keep you informed of my life. I wanted to tell you stuff. This weekend I celebrated Independence Day in Pigeon Forge. Jordan Walley came, as well as Justin Steele, Michael Borden, Drew Wilkinson and Brandon Stephenson. We got a room at the Family Inns of America for $29.97 a night (killer deal) We also visited Discipleship Focus very often. On the 2nd we got there and hung out and went to eat at McCallister's Deli. I got to steal Lauren Daughtery for the night and go walking. It was really good. Saturday we just hung out waiting on fireworks. Walley, Drew and Myself dressed up. Somewhat against my will, but, drew said "she's your girlfriend you don't have to impress her anymore..." So, i dressed up which may or may not have been a good idea. We get to Patriot park to watch Diamond Trio, man they're awful. We try to get a closer seat, guy starts yelling at me and walley because his 5 year old boy cannot see because we sat in the grass in front of their lawnchairs.... Then old lady starts yelling at our buddy Jared. She was being really hateful, I wanted to punch out her lights! We decide to leave early. I yell at her while we're leaving IM SORRY WE GOT IN YOUR WAY!... Maybe i overreacted maybe i didn't. Sunday July 4, 2010 Drew and myself both got speeding tickets from the same motorcycle cop at the same time. Talk about two birds with one stone, it turned out better than we expected though. As long as we do not get any motor vehicle violations for the next 6 months we are off the hook and do not have to pay that one. It is called Traffic Probation. Yeah, i'm on probabtion.... Sunday we hung out at DFO, walley and I hung out with Autumn Collum, turns out she is really cool as well... Sunday night Mike Ashburn talked at family night really just bringing it. Talked about ebeneezers and how we are to love every single person. That we are Christ to the people that we come into contact during our days...Which is something awesome. monday we left. As soon as I got home I went and ate at my mommas house, played golf... Tuesday I worked and afterwords went to hang out in Sparta with one of my Younglife guys. It was awesome getting to talk to him and sharing instances from both of our lives that we found cool. We sat at Sonic for an hour talking about grace and why things happen and hebrew language... it was cool... Today I am at work....

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