So Saturday at work a lady calls, she seems to be very old...80+ I'm not real sure, Marylin Smith was her name. She called and asked me about how the majority house leader. And was asking how a man could get so tan playing golf. She said he was tan all over, I said, "Mam, he probably plays at a country club where they have a swimmin pool." We talked for close to ten minutes. I am unaware how I did not get to laughing. Then she was talking about Obama and whether or not he was black enough according to Jay Leno, then was wondering if this man was orange enough. She proceeded to tell me that he may use that "tan in a can" stuff. She also told me that she called his office and asked how he got so tan, thats how she knew he golfed. This lady might have made my day in her craziness.
But today at church a family got up in front of the congregation for a little commission since they are going overseas as missionaries. She talked about who knows what, but, He talked about digging his own cisterns(wells to hold water) instead of relying on the one God has given us. He was a Younglife leader and talked about how he dug his own got pleasure out of that then realized after a few years it was dry. Then he got his pleasure in life by living in God's will and so forth... It hit me that I am often getting pleasure out of worldly things but then when I get my water from God it is so awesome and is not dry. It is very much fulfilling. I also seen a beautiful picture of marriage, I thought to myself this is what marriage is. It's about to submitting to God, then you really can't go wrong as long as your living in pursuit and within God's will. Which brings me to my next story. Today at the 19th hole, these men (very loose term) were talking about how Meatball was going to have to drop his membership due to his wife wanting to come out and watch him play golf. The story goes his wife told him she would like to watch golf in person one day. This all happened the week that he played in a 2man tournament with a very "scandalous" lady, in which you pick your partner. Well, she followed them around, and continues to. So, at the 19th hole he gets made fun of for his wife following... Later on the two men are talking about meaty dropping his membership, I say "why?" These two guys, one of them who is divorced, one of them who averages 3 hours in the bar a day, says you'll understand someday, you gotta have your own place... I think, "man, hmm you guys don't know what marriage is about..." It just grabbed me, meaty was being very sketchy, and his wife said huh ugh, I don't think so... But, who knows.... I just know that I don't want to marry someone whom I feel I might have to run from later in life or not want to be around....
But, when asking those questions I also ponder, why do I want the things I don't really want. And do the things I don't really want to do... But I guess those guys at the bar never said before they got married "in 15 years I hope I'm miserable." I think it could be all about following the Lord and not the world...
In other news, a boy came in and ate 3 candy bars in a row....
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