Thursday, May 13, 2010

Forgotten God

Recently I have been reading or read a book by Fancis Chan called "Forgotten God." The book is about the Holy Spirit and how we often pay no attention to it. It reminded a lot of my walk through Discovery the past two summers at Discipleship Focus, there was a lot of the same material in it. Which makes sense since it is out of the bible after all. The first chapter started off with "I've got Jesus why do I need the Holy Spirit..." That is often what how I act. I say oh I've got Jesus, there's no need for me to actually have a relationship with God... Chapter 2 is "what are you afraid of." Honestly I'm afraid of a whole lot of things more than just snakes and spiders. I'm afraid of my future, rejection, uncertainty and so much more. Chapter 3 is theology. Chapter 4 "why do you want him" often I would want it for my own benefit but really we should want the holy spirit in our lives and abide in him because thats what he was made for. That is his purpose so that we may benefit the common good. Chapter 5 " A real relationship." This is knowing God, and being known by him! Galatians 4:9 "But now you have come to know God, or rather be known by God, how can you turn your back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?" Galatians 4:6-7 "because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of the Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out. Abba, Father. So you are no longer slaves, but Gods children and since you are his children, he has also made you heirs." No longer slaves, i like that. The chapter also talks about being to comfortable, and being too easily distracted. Chapter 6 is telling us that we wont really know the will he has for our lives until that times comes most likely. Chapter 7 talks about the church and how it should be.

All of this made me think how often I am not that much different now, then I was before Christ. That is what the real shame is, we should be like caterpillars, one day were worming around, then a were in a cocoon for a while, then shoot we got beautiful wings and are flying. Completly different than before. At one point in the book it talked about how we squeeze God into our lives, not how we live for him as we should. We just squeeze him in and give him a little of our time. That is what hits me hard, I in all reality want to and should be living for him. But, so often I am merely making time for him in my life. Just think how much easier life would be if we soley relied on him. We really wouldn't have any worries, because, if we trust in him we know that what he is doing is good and would not have to lean upon ourselves. If only it were that easy. The book really helped me realize that our worldly issues really do not matter one bit. And in that we should completely live for him. The prodigal son is often how i feel, I go out and squander in sin, then i feel awful about it so much that i do not feel worthy to even pray or read my bible. I feel like i have to get my act together before i can go to God. But, this is not true (romans 8:1) And we know that "nothing can seperate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus."(8:39)

So I hope that made sense, I'm not proofreading it, because thats not what I do.... But, I dont really read either. I was just at work, and was going to be super bored so I borrowed this book from Brad Wright. It is a great book i recommend it highly.

Sir Nathan Dale.

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