Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I want.

Recently, well, the past two times I've went to BooksAMillion I've been reading Brennan Manning's All Is Grace. It is his memoir, a story of his life. I've read about half of the book and decided to go ahead and buy it on Amazon. Because that's what I do, use BAM unless I'm desperate. But, the book opens up and it tells the story of a man who is not where he wanted to be, how he wanted more. He figures out at an early age and can never get enough of the more. His early story includes how he never felt accepted by his family and most of his peers. Manning is the author of The Ragamuffin Gospel and writes mostly about grace and how that God loves us not as we should be but as we are. This is a story that is familiar with all of us but Manning really puts it in a perspective that makes sense to the average reader.
First off let me state that I do go to Books A Million and read books. I never buy books at BAM except for a few because I know that I can get them at Amazon for more often than not 50% off. I was however disappointed that this BAM only had a few benches and not any nice chairs to sit down and read in. This is not really important. I just wanted you to know that I do not have a problem using a store like BAM for something like that. I'd much rather buy from a small locally owned bookstore if I were to pay full price.
Manning talks about how in life he wanted something more. Growing up he thought it was love from his parents. He went to college, dropped out to join the Marine Corps, got released early to go to seminary. He states somewhere along the way he had a dream and couldn't believe thats all it was... At seminary he started to drop out, but on his way out he stopped by the chapel and that is when he found the more. The more that he had always been looking for. The more was a relationship with Jesus Christ. He had gone to the Catholic Church all of his life but never understood who God was and is. We all long for more. Often, we long for more of what we believe will make us happy but not what truly will. But, how could we ever get enough of Christ? If we we're perfect perhaps we could. We're not though and that leads me to believe we will always want more.
The Ragamufffin Gospel is a great read by Manning. It tells a story of how he is just an old Ragamuffin - a ragged often disreputable person. Manning tells a story of how he was an ex priest, alcoholic, divorced man who is loved by the God of the world more than anything. That Jesus Christ loved him as he was and not as he should be. Not one of us are as we should be, there is fault in all of us. I do believe some could take this over the limits and say that he is saying sinning alright. But, that is not what he is saying. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Other translations use Do not quench the Holy Spirit. But, when you do fall to sin the love of Christ is not diminished. Because the love of Christ is unconditional. I do believe that one will feel better about his relationship and it will become deeper the less one's sins are but, that is not point. The point is to have a deeper relationship and in return one's sins become less. An abiding joy will fruit from the closeness of a relationship with Christ.
Manning has became one of my favorite authors over the years. I actually, have read more Manning books than I have of any author. The grace of Christ is a story that is an easy read to ragamuffin like myself. Maybe, that's not a good thing. Maybe it is, who knows. All I know is that it makes myself want to have a deeper, stronger relationship with Christ.

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